HEPI WITONO, PETRUS, Trisakti University, Februari 2013, "The effect of relationship benefits on positive word of mouth through functional quality, technical quality and relationship quality".
Major Advisor : Prof. Dr. Asep Hermawan, M.Sc
Purpose The paper aims to examine the influence relationship benefits (confidence benefit, special treatment benefit, social benefit, information benefit, sharing benefit) to service quality (functional quality, technical quality) and relationship quality on word of mouth.
Design/methodology/approach The research model is using SPSS 17 and structural equation model (SEM) using AMOS 20 for analysis survey data in Periplus Bookstores at Jakarta . The model was tested empirically using sample 200 respondents which had experience buying books from Periplus Bookstores.
Findings - Result of this research indicated that confidence benefit and sharing benefit have significant affect to functional quality. Functional quality have significant affect to word of mouth.
Research limitation/implication This paper focuses on the relationship benefits given by the company to the consumer and respondent scope are only customers of Periplus Bookstores.
Originality/value This research provide worth insight about the effect of relationship benefits on positive word of mouth through functional quality, technical quality and relationship quality at Periplus Bookstores. This research may help to Human Resource Development to develop effective training strategies.
Key words : confidence benefit, special treatment benefit, social benefit, information benefit, sharing benefit, functional quality, technical quality, relationship quality, word of mouth.
@Copyright 2013, Grogol
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Best Regards,
Petrus Hepi Witono
E-mail \\ hepi@periplus.co.id
Phone \\ 081905082435
Blog \\ www.lembutambun.blogspot.com
I Love www.PERIPLUS.com
Petrus Hepi Witono
E-mail \\ hepi@periplus.co.id
Phone \\ 081905082435
Blog \\ www.lembutambun.blogspot.com
I Love www.PERIPLUS.com