Call fo Papers :
International Conference On Ethics in Governance (ICONEG) 2016:
Intersecting Law, Religion, And Politics
Collaboration Conference Between Faculty of Social and Political Science Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Indonesia - Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance Tallin University of Technology, Estonia - Departement of Public Administration and Political Science, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey - Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University, Japan, and - Departement of International Relations Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
The conference will be held in the Faculty of Social and Political Science,
Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Indonesia - Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Makassar, Indonesia,
on the 19-20 of December 2016.
In this era, the heavy burden of civilization is a narrative about ethics problem, especially concerning issues of social community and nationality. First, on the question of social community, despite having long been presented and fought, the spirit of the implementation of social ethics in community life even more degraded and relatively remains as major issue in various epics concern. Now the application of ethics even positioned and often accused as “Against Humanity” and Utopian, considering humans nowadays positioned their self as “Reality Servants”, and ethics became a stranger in the community social life. Religion as an institution organize and direct the humanitarian Ethics to the level of Noble character and realign human actions as an attempt to humanizing, even considered as the barrier to gain profit. Religion is the opium, it is stroked, intoxicating, so it is positioned in reality.
Second, related to the nationality issue, the narrative was near with the society’s problems above, since it is clear that the core of the nationality dictum is also about domain of human identity. Especially in the governance’s zone which the collective understanding and awareness presence is necessary to build the national life without exploitation de l'homme par l'homme. As for another heavy problem about national discourse mainly experienced by the nations of the third world countries is relatively similar, which is related to issues of law enforcement value and political traditions that are far from the spirit of humanizing, social benefit and not necessarily only aim to gain profit. The character of law enforcer and political actor that already living in hegemony and colonized by opportunist tradition, has put ethics as a snake in the grass, standing there and betrayed. Karaeng Patingalloang, intellectual and diplomat of Gowa-Tallo Kingdom said, there are five major causes of the collapse of an empire. First, when the reigning king no longer wanted to be advised or warned. Second, if the intellectuals no longer stay in the country. Third, it is there too many cases in the country. Fourth, when many judges and royal officials like venality. Fifth, when the reigning king lost the love for his people.
Therefore, responding to the problems above, is necessary to arrange back in common ground between the social nature of community, nationality and ethics, which actually has the same spirit and purpose, namely humanizing.
ICONEG2016 will provide an excellent international conference for sharing knowledge and results in governance area and provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as practician to meet the share cutting-edge development in the field.
• Local Politics and Governance
• Public Policy and Administration
• Islamic Ethics, Law and Society
• Southeast Asia Studies
• International Development
• Global Ethics and Governance
• Culture, Law and Society
• Local Wisdom and Ethics
• Bussiness Ethics and CSR
• Civil Society Movement
• Character Building and Education
• Education Systems
• Environmental Policy and Ethics
• Organizational Culture and Behavior
• Ethics and Law in Social Media
• Islamic Philanthropy
Authors may submit the full paper directly. However, to ensure that the full paper is inline with ICONEG 2016 topics, Abstract submission beforehand is encouraged.
Abstract must be written in English, between 50 – 100 words. Please use Microsoft Word file (*.doc OR *.docx) in an A4 page layout.
Paper must be written in English, with maximum 8 pages allowed. The format for full paper submission can be Download Here
Please submit your Abstract/Full paper using this Email : iconeg2016@unismuh.ac.id
Conference Publication
Prospective authors are invited to submit original research papers which have not been submitted or published by other conferences or journals. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and all accepted papers for ICONEG 2016 are expected to be included in Procedia – Social and Behavioral Science in Elsevier and Scopus as well.
Furthermore, the excellent accepted papers will be published in the regular/special issues of Scopus indexed international journals after further extension and revision.
1. Halduskultuur (Administrative Culture)
2. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah
3. The International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies (IJAPS)
Invited Speakers
This conference will also invited speakers on these related issues. These keynote speakers are:
1. Prof. Wolfgang Drechsler - Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance Tallin University of Technology, Estonia, and Editor-in-Chief Halduskultuur (Administrative Culture), Scopus Indexed Journal
2. Prof. Dr. Önder Kutlu - Departement of Public Administration and Political Science, Necmetti Erbakan University, Turkey
3. Prof. Masaaki Okamoto - Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University, Japan)
4. Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd. Afandi bin Salleh - Departement of International Relations Universiti Sultan ZainalAbidin, Malaysia
Peer Reviewers Committee
1. Prof. Dr. Cholichul Hadi - Airlangga University, Indonesia
2. Prof. Göran Collste, Ph.D - Linkoping University, Sweden
3. Prof. Dr. Revany Bustami - Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
4. Prof. Dr. Imitiyaz Yusuf - Mahidol University, Thailand
5. Erwin Akib, Ph.D - Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Indonesia
6. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc - Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
7. Ismail Suardi Wekke, Ph.D - State Islamic College (STAIN) of Sorong, Indonesia
Important Dates
· Abstract Submission : 10 August 2016
· Full Paper Submission : 01 October 2016
· Acceptance Notification : 07 November 2016
· Registration and Payment : 15 November 2016
· Conference Date : 19-20 December 2016
Conference Fees
· Indonesian Presenter Participants : IDR 2.000.000
· Indonesian Student Presenter Participants : IDR 1.500.000
· Indonesian Non Presenter Participants : IDR 750.000
· Indonesian Student Non Presenter Participants : IDR 500.000
· International Presenter Participants : USD 200
· International Student Presenter Participants : USD 150
· International Non Presenter Participants : USD 75
· International Student Non Presenter Participants : USD 50
Hotel Information
· Unismuh Business Center Hotel, Jalan Sultan Alauddin No. 259, Kota Makassar, Indonesia. Phone +62 411 866972
· Aryaduta Hotel Makassar, Jalan Somba Opu No. 297, Kota Makassar, Indonesia. Phone. +62 411 870555. http://www.aryaduta. com/hotels_home_makassar.php
· Sahid Jaya Hotel Makassar, Jalan Dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 33, Kota Makassar, Indonesia. Phone. +62 411 875757
· Grand Clarion Hotel Makassar, Jalan A. P. Pettarani No. 3, Kota Makassar, Indonesia. Phone. +62 411 833888. http://www. grandclarionmakassar.com/
· Quality Hotel Makassar, Jalan Somba Opu No. 235, Kota Makassar, Indonesia. Phone.+62 411 3633111. http://www. qualityplazahotelmakassar.com/
· Horison Hotel Makassar, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No.24, Kota Makassar, Indonesia. Phone. +62 411 311555 http://ultima.horison- group.com/makassar?lang=en
· Singgasana Hotel Makassar, Jalan Kajaolalido No 16, Kota Makassar, Indonesia. Phone. +62411 3627051 http://www.makassar. singgasanahotels.com/id
Conference Organizer :
Department of Governmental Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Indonesia
Conference Committee :
Advisor : Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc, General Chair : Ismail Suardi Wekke, Ph.D, General Co-Chair : Ahmad Harakan, MA, Secretary : Nasrul Haq, MPA
Information and Registration
Contact Persons ;
Andi Luhur Prianto : +62 8114123287Muchlas M Tahir : +62 8114451622Email : iconeg2016@unismuh.ac.idWebsite : http://www.gov-unismuh/iconeg2016/
Link: https://gov-unismuh.ac.id/iconeg2016/call-for-paper/